There is not really such a thing as time here. For me, it goes P-day, Sunday, P-day. The other days blur together. Sunday is my favorite.
I was dissappointed in the lack of festivities for Peru's independence day last week. On the 4th of July, the CCM was decked out with red, white, and blue balloons and streamers and flags and for the 28th here, they just put up like 3 Peruano flags and fed us some rice and chicken.
Oh ps... somebody needs to teach me how to eat meat with bones in them, because they don't debone anything here and I never took ¨Carving a chicken 101.¨ Every meal is like a lab and sometimes we try to make skeletons by putting all of our bones together. haha jk but really...
I don't know if I explained this, but our teachers pose as ¨progressing investigators¨ and we teach them the discussion in these mini houses and prepare them for baptism. We just baptized our investigator Ana and in class the other day our teacher Hna. Altamirano asked if we had any questions about Ana. We were like, ¨what? why? Ana was fake.¨ She then explained that her middle name is Ana and that she was posing as herself when she was investigating the church. The concerns she shared with us were her real concerns before being baptized. And the questions she asked us were real questions she had asked the missionaries when they were teaching her. The coolest part is that she said some of the things we said were the exact same words the missionaries had used when they taught her. That hit me hard because sometimes I forget that I am a real missionary. We teach our teachers who are just pretending to be investigators, but my calling is real and the spirit is real.
Ok nobody tells us anything here. The world could be on fire and
we would have no idea. We got to watch a devotional live from Provo and
President Nelson spoke. We were all like, ¨Did we get a new Prophet?¨
That devotional was amazing though. He talked about our role as
missionaries to gather Israel to the temples and to prepare the world
for the second coming of Christ. It made me stoked to be a missionary.
This is so awesome! Love to all.
Love, Hermana Harris
We got special permission from the CCM president to go to Papa John's
today. It helps that the Zone leaders are in our district. (Elders Noel
and Williams)
This is my "I can't even contain my excitement face".
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