Monday, September 14, 2015

September 14, 2015--Oh, Peru...

Hola Familia y Amigos!

So the other day our pensionista looked at me and said, “You have white hair.”  I was like, “I thought I had brown hair.”  The she said, “No, look.”  Then she pulled a gray hair out of my head…WHAT?  She found two more too.  I’m too young to have gray hair.  My parents don’t even have gray hair yet.  What is happening to me??

Ok this week was awesome!  This is what happened:  About a month ago we contacted a woman named Marisol.  We made an appointment to stop by that week, but when we went she wasn’t home.  We went back a few days later and, again, nobody was home.  As these weeks passed by I couldn’t get the name Marisol out of my head.  I knew we had to go back.  Finally this week we stopped by and she was home!  She said, “I have been waiting and waiting for you to come.”  She said she had been reading the pamphlet we gave her and it said beautiful things and she wanted to learn more.  She called her husband and kids in from the field and we taught all 7 of them.  It was so special!  They came to church yesterday and it was the best thing in the world!  We’ve been praying so much for this family.

Their family is insanely poor and the parents don’t have much education nor religious background.  They can hardly read and we have to explain things very simply, but they are super humble and have so much faith.  As I thought about this, I remembered the story of Joseph Smith.  He could barely read, but through his faith and the power of God, he translated the Book of Mormon.  What a miracle!

The Lord works by small and simple means to carry out his purposes.  D&C 1:23 says, “The fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the earth.”  I know that this is true, because I feel very much weak right now.  But I have great confidence in the Lord.  He has a plan and His plan is perfect.  How blessed are we to have a knowledge of our Savior and to be found among those who have the fullness of His Gospel.

Love ya'll tons and tons!
Con amor,
Hermana Harris

 We went on a little hike and played some games as we ate food and looked out over the city of Andahuaylas. It's quite the view!

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